Presence over Presents

We are headed into the week of Christmas and there are just a few days left before the gifts need to be placed under the tree and all of the anticipation that has been building over the month will be unwrapped. If you are a mom like me, you probably have a running list of the things you need to do and want to do leading up to the big day. It seems like every year there are more scheduled activities, shows, dress up days, Elves to hide, gifts to find, cookies to bake, homes to decorate, gifts to wrap and the list goes on. It can sometimes leave a mom (and a dad I’m sure) wondering, “Where did the magic of Christmas go?” 

 All of these things that comprise our Christmas season are great- they make memories and build traditions that our families will hopefully pass on. But one thing I have been thinking about as I have had time to be baking with my kids these last few days, is Christmas presence over Christmas presents.

I am so glad that we still made time to bake the cookies. Was it messy? Yes. Could I have done it faster myself? Absolutely. But will they always remember baking with mom at Christmas? I really hope so. See last week I felt the pressure to run out the door when my husband got home to try and get more shopping and errands done on a few different evenings and it was honestly miserable. I wanted to be home enjoying a Christmas movie with the kids or helping them wrap their little holiday shop gifts they bought on their own. Instead, I was standing in line behind twenty people at Michaels because I thought I needed a larger array of wrapping paper. I was focused on the presents instead of my presence.  

Because we all know it won’t be the type of wrapping paper that was on the gift that the kids will remember, or the number of packages that were under the tree, or if the cookie tray had an assortment of ten different cookies instead of just five. I still want to find those special presents that will put a smile on their faces- but I know it will be our presence together as a family during this special time of year, enjoying the traditions that we are creating, that will give our kids those magical memories of their childhood Christmases. I know that is what I remember about mine. Baking with my grandma. My mom putting up my advent tree in my bedroom. How our house lit up with Christmas lights. That one day a year when my dad cooked a big Christmas morning breakfast. The annual church Christmas dinner. Those are the things I remember that made Christmas magical.  

Yesterday, my friend brought her boys over to enjoy the afternoon playing with my kids after their holiday break early dismissal. The kids played, ate Christmas cookies and we made hot cocoa. She and I enjoyed coffee while she knitted a blanket. It was so refreshing to just sit and enjoy the presence of good company and good cup of coffee. I am so glad we made the time this week to slow down and spend the time together when we could have easily pushed it aside with the valid excuse of, “There is just so much to get done.” I hope cocoa and cookie day becomes a new tradition.  

I am sharing this more for myself I suppose than anyone else (they say people write what they need to hear the most). Choose presence in these last few days leading up to Christmas. Choose to spend time doing the things that will be remembered long after the wrapping paper has been torn open and the new toys have been retired to the shelves. Focus on the true reason for this season. Find the Peace, Hope and Joy that are the real presents for all of us with the coming of our Savior in a manger. Choose His presence in your heart, and your presence with your loved ones above all else, and I think we will be sure to find the magic of Christmas all over again.  

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