Stop waiting for confidence. Start Praying for courage.

Confidence is overrated.  For one, I believe confidence is sometimes something that is more perceived than something that actually exists. It is also a “feeling,” and feelings can’t be trusted.  

Confidence is something that you gain from experience. The more experienced you become at something the more confident you will become at doing the task that is before you. You are never going to be confident (or at least you shouldn’t be) at something you have never done before. And that’s why I believe that waiting on confidence is one of the greatest tools that the enemy uses to hold us back from pursuing the gifts and talents that God has purposefully given to us.  

If you want to really change your life, change your family’s future, start pursuing your God-given gifts and talents: 

Stop waiting on confidence. Start praying for courage.  

Courage is what you need to try something new. The willingness to step out in courage, the ability to learn from mistakes and to keep moving forward is what will separate you from the crowd. Courage is how the cream rises to the top.  

Courage is stepping out in faith, despite a complete lack of confidence. Courage is following that God-given dream or starting that business or saying yes to getting back up at something you’ve failed at and trying again. Courage is standing up for what you believe in. Courage is being willing to be the one person who speaks up and says, “Enough is enough.” Courage is being willing to go against the norm because in your heart, you simply know better. Courage is following God’s will or prompting, despite lacking outward confidence or understanding of how things will work out.  

Courage is what we need to encourage our children to develop. I don’t want my kids to be confident in everything that comes before them, I want them to have courage. The courage to try something new, the courage to say “No,” when it is appropriate, the courage to follow their dreams, and ultimately courage to follow God’s will for their life.  

Their confidence will come when they learn to be courageous.  

I believe that through faith and with courage, the seemingly impossible can be a possibility. Through faith and with courage, family trees can be changed. Through faith and with courage, addictions can be broken. Through faith and with courage, ordinary people can do extraordinary things.  

The amazing thing about courage is that it breeds confidence. Once you have the courage to step out, earn that experience, you gain confidence.  

I have never been a naturally confident person. I used to think this was a big problem. But what I am realizing more and more is that my lack of confidence in new things is most likely a hidden asset. Because I lack confidence, I turn to God for courage, guidance and direction. I have learned to lean more on Him and step out in faith, despite my lack of “feeling” confident.   

It was when I stopped praying for confidence, and instead, starting asking God to make me more courageous that I noticed a huge shift. See if I am following something God put on my heart and I have prayed about it and still feel like it is something I need to do, I know I can ask God for courage and that He will go before me. I have courage knowing I am never alone.  

A few weeks ago, it was the night before my Thrive Life Mama Market opening and the enemy was going at it in my head. I had so much doubt creeping in. “Why are you even doing this? You are crazy to think people will actually want to be a part of this etc,” where the thoughts I had swirling around. I prayed before bed, asking God to just give me the courage to keep going despite a complete lack of confidence that this would actually work.  

In the morning, I had my usual early quiet time and was opening up my bible for that day’s reading. In my newsletter for January, I had encouraged everyone to take the first month of the year to read one Proverb per day- 31 Proverbs for 31 days. They are a great source of Godly wisdom and a great way to start off the new year. The Market opening was on January 28th so I flipped open that morning to Proverbs 28 for my daily reading. Proverbs 28:1 Reads, “The wicked flee when no one pursues them, but the righteous are as bold as a lion.”    

Sometimes I think God likes to show up and show off. I just stopped right there in awe of how God will meet you right where, and when you need him.  

You see, Proverbs 28:1 is the verse I chose to represent our Lion Raising Mama brand statement. It is the very verse on so many of the items I was displaying in the Market to encourage Mamas to raise up our little lions to be strong and courageous. It was the verse I had picked six months ago to go on our apparel, long before I ever knew I would even be starting an in-person Thrive Life Mama Market pop up shop.  

Reading that verse was all I needed. It was like God was saying, “Stop doubting me and the vision I put on your heart. Have courage and I will fill in the gaps.” 

Don’t ever think that God doesn’t care about the little things in your life. He is in the big, the small and the in between. He will show up when you seek Him and he will show off in a way only He can when you least expect it. He will give you courage when you seek His will and ask Him to help you on your pursuit. He will do amazing things if you give Him the glory and let Him work through your life. 

So, I will choose courage over confidence all day long. Courage is the secret sauce that will move you toward your God-given purpose. And yes, I do believe we are given purposes by our Heavenly Father. And Yes, I believe when we have the courage to pursue them, He will equip us for the journey and the dream he has placed on our heart.   

So stop waiting for confidence to do the thing God has put on your heart. Start praying for courage, step out in faith, give God the glory and watch Him show off.  

“Be strong and courageous. Do not be discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9 

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