That is the thing about life. Sometimes it just seems unfair. Unjust. Even Cruel. It isn’t always easy and it surely never goes according to our plan.  

But our God always has a purpose, even for our pain. Sometimes we need to shift our perspective to see it as such. Did I want a bigger family? Yes. Did I want to have another surgery? Certainly not. Does God have a purpose behind me not being able to have any more children? I believe He does.

I don’t know what it is. I’m not going to lie and tell you I am thrilled about it. But, I am willing to trust that He knows something I don’t know. That He has my best interest at heart. That He knows what is best for me, more than what I know is best for me. And that He is Good.  

This example of a personal disappointment is really minor in the scheme of the hurts that people endure on this side of Heaven. Loss. Disease. Addiction. Infertility. Infidelity. Life comes with heavy circumstances. I believe allowing God to shift our perspective is what will allow us to turn our trials into our triumphs. Giving our hurt and our disappointment over to the one who works all things out for our good is how we trust Him with our mess. God is our Vindicator. “For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed within us.” (Romans 8:18) If you entrust Him with your burden, your pain will not be wasted. 

Shifting my perspective was my focus as I prepared for surgery. Instead of mourning the fact that I would no longer be able to have any more children, God reminded me of the three blessings he had already entrusted me with. He reminded me that I am fortunate to have been able to carry those three babies, and that some people in my life did not have that opportunity.  

He implored me to be grateful for what I had, and not resentful for what could no longer be. He gave me perspective and more empathy for those women that things did not go according to plan for. Although I cannot understand completely, I can understand more.  

He reminded me that feeling sorry for myself is a complete waste of my thoughts, and someone is always fighting a bigger battle.  

 So, when life throws us a curveball, or maybe even knocks us flat on the ground- we have a choice to make. We can allow the hurt to make us bitter, resentful, and hard of heart. Or, we can trust that somehow God is going to work this out for our good. Trust that He is our Redeemer. He is our Vindicator. We can find something to be grateful for. And if we will give the hurt over to God, He will be faithful to make us better for it.  

So, in the battle of life’s hurts, messes and disappointments… 

I choose Better.

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