Life isn’t always easy. I know that isn’t news to anyone. For some, life has never been easy. It has been one devastation after another. Troubled childhoods, abuse, broken marriages, addictions, loss, disappointments, abandonment, loneliness, disease- the list goes on. However, the problems we face in our lives today are not new. These devastations existed thousands of years ago. They may look different today, but they are not new devastations that we are the first to experience.  In fact, in Ecclesiastes 1 verses 9-10 we find, “What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun. Is there anything of which one can say, “Look! There is something new?” It was here already, long ago; it was here before our time.” This is not to discredit someone’s struggle or to withhold empathy for the trials they are facing. In fact, it is just the opposite. It is a source of hope. It is a gentle reminder that although life can be difficult, even unbearable at times, our struggles are nothing new to God.  

Similarly, our sin is no surprise to our God either. There is nothing you may have done that will shock our Heavenly Father. There is nothing too outrageous that the Lord will not forgive you for if you seek his forgiveness with all of your heart. Remember, God hates sin, but He loves the sinner. Where we get ourselves into trouble is when we shut God out of our trouble, our struggle and our sin. God is there, waiting for you to seek him and lean on him as your ultimate defender. He wants to fight your battle. But you have to let him in. He is the ultimate partner and friend. Some of life’s battles are simply too big to carry on our shoulders alone. We can try to succeed in our own strength, however, as most of us can attest to, we will fall short. How often do we resort to prayer once we have tried everything else we can think of? Why not start with prayer. Why not seek help for your situation in the Creator, the one who is indeed in full control? 

As a young shepherd boy, David knew he was going up against a giant. The odds were not in his favor. Even as a boy, he knew to call on the Lord for his courage and strength to do the impossible. David decided to seek the Lord and the Lord showed up in a big way. God fought for David. When we seek the Lord in our struggle, and we are seeking His will in our life, we have the power of the Living God on our side. There is no power that can stand against our God. Romans 8:31 instructs us, “If God is for us, who can be against us?” How much more confidently we can approach life’s battles when we seek the Lord’s strength and his will to guide us through.  

When Daniel’s faith was tested and he was thrown into the lion’s den, most would have assumed his fate was sealed. But Daniel served a God who created the lions. Daniel decided to seek the Lord and drew confidence thru his faith and the Lord protected him. Again, when the woman, known for her sin, barged into the home where Jesus was dining with the Pharisees and poured her perfume out on his feet, weeping and drying his feet with her hair, God defended her to the dumbfounded officials. In fact, he assured them that her act of love would be honored and remembered for all of time. “I assure you and most solemnly say to you, where ever this gospel of salvation is preached in the whole world, what this woman has done will also be told in memory of her for her act of love and devotion.” Matthew 26:13 Imagine, a woman known only by her wrongs, being held up as an example for all of the ages of how to love and seek the Lord. Jesus knew her heart and He defended her.  

God wants to see you through to victory. He wants to move the giants that are in your way. He wants to be your shield in the battle of life. He wants to lift your head when the shame of your past has held it down. Yes- you are strong. But He is stronger. Yes, you’ve made mistakes- you are after all, a human. But your mistakes are not too much for Him. You have an uphill battle ahead of you? Your battle is not too big for our God. He loves you. He cares about the big things and the little things. He wants a relationship with you.  He will fight for you. He will be your great and Almighty Defender. All you have to do is ask. Surrender the battle, give it over to Him. There is no stronger power, no better partner than Jesus. Stop fighting alone. He’s got your six. It’s time to tag Him in. 

Psalm 91   |  Romans 8:31   |   Exodus 14:14 

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