Fear, by definition, is: v. to be afraid of (someone or something) as likely to be dangerous, painful, or threatening. Probably one of the most powerful behavior driving forces in our lives is fear. It will steal your joy. It will hold you back. It will squelch your dreams. It will keep you from pursuit of your God-given purpose.

For many, fear shows up as anxiety. Robbing us of our rest. Running worst case scenarios, that likely would never occur in the first place, over and over again, until we are too fear stricken to act. Fear shows up as self-doubt. Not believing that you have what it takes. Fear to try something new to better you or your family’s life. Fear shows up as worry over what people may think or react to you and your dreams and ambitions. Fear shows up as believing you will never get past your past. That you messed up too big to ever be deserving of a better life. Fear shows up as that constant feeling that something bad is always going to happen. That expecting good to happen is only setting you up to be hurt again.

But Fear is a Liar.

It was not until I heard this song that I realized fear for what it truly is. Fear is the Enemy. As the song states, Fear, he is a liar. When he infiltrates our emotions in the form of fear, we are allowing the enemy to have a foothold. Now I am not talking about the kind of fear that is necessary for survival. I am not suggesting that we should not fear things that would put us in harm’s way. I am talking about the kind of
fear that is holding us back, controlling our decisions and paralyzing us from a better life.

The bible tells us that we are not to live in fear. 2 Timothy 1:7 says, “For God has not given us a spirit of fear. But of power, of love and of self-discipline.” I encourage you to memorize that verse, internalize it and recite it when you start to feel fear creeping in. I keep this verse written out next to my coffee maker where I am sure to see it every day- time and time again. There is power in The Word that will fight your fear and infuse you with strength. Knowing The Word of God is like a weapon against fearful thoughts. It will give you hope, strength and peace. 

We were not created to live a life of fear or to be filled with a spirit of fear. But to live life with the assurance of knowing who we are in Christ. When we ask God into our heart we are filled with His perfect love, the power of the Holy Spirit and the ability to control our thoughts and what we think about.

When we feel worry, doubt and anxiety begin to creep in we need to learn how to take those thoughts captive. We need to pray. We need to ask God for help, strength, wisdom and for discernment. We need to ask Him to reveal truth to us so that we do not make fear -based decisions, but rather decisions made of sound mind.

Whether it is fear of what the future holds, fear of starting that new business or taking that new job, fear of not being good enough, fear of another pregnancy loss, fear of failing as a parent- remember, God will equip you for what he has called you to do. Sometimes stepping out in faith and following the nudge of the Holy Spirit is exactly what you need to do. God wants us to place our trust in Him, not ourselves. Instead of living with a fear- based mindset, let’s start living a faith-based mindset.
God loves you and has a perfect plan for your life. When that purpose you are called to seems scary, simply remember you are never alone.

Know what The Word says.  Seek God’s will in prayer for every decision you are facing. Then step out in faith. So cast your fear in the fire, because Fear, he is a liar.

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